
Theme Of Forgiveness In The Tempest

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It is the unique exploration of the world through different lenses that encourages individuals to seek new understanding through discovery. This is explored in William Shakespeare’s play ‘The Tempest’ and the 2007 film ‘Into The Wild’ directed by Sean Penn. The texts use examinations of how freedom comes through forgiveness and the power of nature to convey discovery.
To discover freedom, one must first discover forgiveness. Shakespeare's play ‘The Tempest’ showcases the struggle for freedom and forgiveness. Shakespeare uses the characterisation of Prospero elucidated through the transformation from a deceptive man driven by vengeance to a man capable of forgiveness. Prospero’s initial state is evidenced in “And to my state grew stronger, being transported and rapt in secret studies”. The personification of the state, presents Prospero’s fixation to arts to the detriment of attending his kingdom. Prospero is viewed to audiences as the controller over the other inhabitants of the island, he is seen as a driven character with a vengeance for revenge to reclaim the power he once had. However, Shakespeare introduces an underlying theme that suggest that Prospero is also being held captive by his past and his inability to forgive those who have done wrong by him. He chooses not to let go of his past as he still harbours spite and resentment and this in turn limits his capability to move forward.Prospero’s moment of discovery and forgiveness becomes apparent in, “I am struck to

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