
Theme Of Love In Wuthering Heights

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Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights draws a close line between love and hate as a major theme in the novel. The different sides of love are demonstrated by Bronte through situations that draw upon the nature of being human. The author displays the selfish, destructive and the betrayal side of love between the main character as well as minor characters in the novel and how they are imprisoned by the same recurring cycle. The relationship shared by Heathcliff and Catherine is the most important as it sets the motion of the rest of the novel. Heathcliff and Catherine’s love is a representation of a fantasy connection between two people that exist beyond words and out of reach of the physical world that simply cannot be explained. A love that …show more content…

Heathcliff’s love for Catherine makes him destructive as he manages to inflict part of his vengeance onto her daughter. The young Cathy is first physically constrained of her freedom, then stripped of her financial and ownership of property by Heathcliff. “He opened them suddenly, and resigned the object of dispute; but, ere she had well secured it, he seized her with the liberated hand, and, pulling her on his knee, administrated with the other a shower of terrace slaps on both sides of the head, each sufficient to have filled his threat, had she been able to fall” (Bronte 265). Heathcliff’s tyrannical traits for his greed and power seeking appetite has reached a point of total insanity that all other characters suffer, as if he wants all to feel the same pain he has experienced. The author show cases raw emotions of human nature that also draws a small parallelism to animalistic features when it comes to the characterization of Heathcliff in the second half of the novel.
The author presents the betrayal aspect of love when Cathy summits to Heathcliff in result of trying to help and save Linton. The young Cathy is held captive in the first place for her love of Linton which backfires on her since he is simply selfish, weak and lets himself be taken as a pawn to Heathcliff’s ultimate revenge. “The anguish he had exhibited on the moor subsided as soon as ever he entered Wuthering Heights;

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