
Theme Of Parental Figure In Frankenstein

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It’s human nature to crave guidance and acceptance; this is especially evident in children as they are prone to seek comfort and affection from their parents. Their personalities and views on society are eventually affected by their parents and any other guardian figures in their lives. Those without a parental figure seek a parent-like relationship with someone close to them who they respect. How one is treated by those who are seen as a role model affects their relationships with others. In Mary Shelley's gothic novel Frankenstein, the lack of a nurturing parental figure is a recurrent thematic subject that pushes several characters to seek acceptance and love from unrealistic desires. The poor parenting throughout the novel creates characters who use their upbringing as an excuse to defend their actions and bad behavior. People thrive when they have someone to praise their progress but the lack of an admiring parental presence causes one to do unnatural things to find acceptance and love regardless of the sacrifices. The beginning of the novel presents several interwoven stories that share a similar pattern of neglected children changing their personalities in order to be acknowledged. Often one must surrender to their circumstances and accept appreciation wherever they can find it. Victor's mother, Caroline, had to “procure plain work; she plaited straw; and by various means contrived to earn a pittance scarcely sufficient to support” her life because her father

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