
Theme Of Social Power In Frankenstein

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Introduction: Frankenstein, a novel written by Mary Shelley, is one of the most popular representations of the romantic era. The romantic aspects of the book allow for a unique analysis of the human personality and its emotions and potentials. This includes many interpretations of a human personality based on one’s socioeconomic status. Using this perspective one can easily analyze the interclass and intraclass social power imbalances and interactions. It is also possible to survey the novel through the unbalanced justice provided to each class. Through various events and trials in Frankenstein, Mary Shelley shows that one’s lack of social power leads to vulnerability because it forces the person to have less of an advantage when compared to others with more power.
Paragraph 1: Throughout Frankenstein, it is a common motif for women with a lesser social power to be vulnerable to men. This is exemplified many times through many women but more prominently through Elizabeth and Caroline of the Frankenstein family. Caroline Frankenstein (nee Beaufort) was said to have, “a small sum of money,” deeming her as a woman with very little societal power. After her, “died in her arms,” she was in an extremely vulnerable state and would have been forced to be, “an orphan and a beggar,” (Shelley 20) if she hadn’t committed herself to the care of Alphonse Frankenstein, a rich friend of her father. It can be interpreted that Caroline’s vulnerability was the cause of her marriage to the

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