
Themes And Conflicts In Walt Disney's Movie Snow White

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I found the text material from chapter one (Giroux, Pollock, 2010) and the Pinsky and Brode handouts pertaining to Walt Disney’s film Snow White to be very interesting reads, all with very specific and distinct arguments that were made. The handouts presented not only ideas, themes, and messages that the film incorporated, but also what Pinsky refers to as Snow White “being the template and or foundation for the Disney gospel and its value systems”. The text went on to suggest that parents at the time of Snow Whites release, “put their faith in Walt Disney, and believed that he would not disappoint them or betray their values”, which he did not up until the time of his death (Pinsky, 2004). After reading that bit of information, I’m left wondering why someone would put that much trust, faith, and the fate of their child’s development and future in a person that they do not know, who happens to be in the movie industry. I believe that any true Disney fan would be intrigued and want to explore the article much further, as I did. The article that I found to have the most compelling arguments, was the Pinsky article entitled “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Sin and Salvation”. Pinsky with assistance from Reverend Charles W. Brashares suggested that much of the films plot, themes and messages were not merely visual representations of the constant battle between good and evil, as most of us as small children assumed, but however, a direct representations of Biblical scripture.

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