
Themes Of Justice In Daisy Armstrong's Murder On The Orient Express

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There are many different recurring themes in the novel Murder on the Orient Express. The book opens with a fully packed train full of supposed strangers and the world-class detective, Monsieur Hercule Poirot. They end up finding themselves in the middle of a fiasco of tragedy including murder, lies, and forbidden love. A stranger named M. Ratchett, whom the reader, as well as M. Poirot, later discovers was the mastermind behind an infamous kidnapping and the murder of a young child: Daisy Armstrong, earlier that year in America, is brutally murdered the second night of their trip. The novel follows the deduction of Poirot in his attempt to discover which man, or woman, is behind this case. A constant theme that the novel follows is the theme of justice and judgement. One example that explains the use of the theme of justice in the novel is what Ratchett (or Cassetti, as we learn) did to subject himself to his undesirable fate. Ratchett was an infamous leader of a group of individuals who make money off of holding innocent children for ransom. They would hold the child until the police would begin their investigation, then they would kill the child and ask for a ridiculous amount of money. Upon receiving, they would release the dead body to be found. In this specific case involving the Armstrong family, Ratchett and his coterie demanded an outrageous sum of two hundred thousand dollars and when the family discovered the death of little Daisy Armstrong, they were absolutely

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