
Themes Of Loneliness And Solitude

Decent Essays

Tony Samson

Mrs. Maddox

English 9

9 September 2016

Themes of Loneliness and Solitude in The Samurai’s Garden


A: Hook- Many view loneliness and solitude with distaste, why would someone want to be without the company of others?

B: Bridge- Being alone and isolated is seen as dark and dismal. In Gail Tsukiyama’s The Samurai’s Garden the main character, Stephen, is apprehensive as he travels to the village of Tarumi. He had been there a few times before on vacation, but this would be the first time he had ever been without the rest of his family. Over the next year, Stephen would be recovering from his tuberculosis in the clear air of the village under the care of Matsu, his house’s caretaker. Other than a few visits by his father and letters from his family in Hong Kong, he would be alone with Matsu. He soon finds that the isolation of Tarumi holds a quiet elegance and peacefulness.

C: Thesis- The characters in The Samurai’s Garden find peace in loneliness, beauty in isolation, and freedom from judgement through solitude.

II. Body

i. Sometimes, being lonely can help one to come to terms with the issues in their life. Without the distractions of others, it becomes easier to grieve over a loss or to accept one’s fate and move on.

ii. When summer drew to a close, the vacationing families left their refuse on the beach for Stephen to walk among, alone with his thoughts. “I felt lonely seeing these things, not for

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