
Theories Of Nursing Metaparadigm

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Theory is a set of logically interrelated concepts, statements, propositions, and definitions, which came from philosophical beliefs of scientific data (McEwen & Wills, 2014). Basically, theory is your best educated guess. Theory is not knowledge or anything that is objective or concrete. Theory is not values or ethics. For example, there is a theory of how the diversity of life on the planet works, but it is a belief of scientific data. Another example is there are different theories on what causes autoimmune diseases. The purpose of theory is to interpret observations or project outcomes. Theories may not be proven, but may be disapproved leading to new and more accurate theories to be created. Theory is important to the research process. …show more content…

The four major concepts in the nursing metaparadigm are person, health, environment, and nursing. Person is a human; a being that is greater than the sum of his or her parts, or a behavioral system that links the person to the environment (McEwen & Wills, 2014). Health is a state of well-being or to function independently. One can adapt to every day stressors and have unity of the mind and body. Environment is what externally affects a person. It can have a direct effect on a person’s development and behavior. Nursing is a science or practice that involves caring. In nursing, you care for the well and take care of the sick. You want to make the sick patients well again. Nursing borrows and shares theories and concepts from other disciplines to guide theory development, research, and practice (McEwen & Wills, 2014). The four concepts of person, health, environment, and nursing are considered the dominant phenomena of nursing. Other disciplines may have similar concepts, but they are not exactly the same as nursing. Nursing focuses on the patient as a whole and their overall health. Other health care disciplines focus on parts of the patient. For example, a pharmacist focuses on the medications for the patient, and a physical therapist focuses on the therapy aspect for the patient. A nurse focuses on everything as a whole. Only theories that …show more content…

This theory is considered a grand theory because it covers a broad scope with general concepts that can be applied to all of nursing. The idea is to have all patients care for themselves, and that they will stay healthy or recover from illness faster. The nurse is to just fill in the gaps of care as needed. With the nurses understanding their patients better, it is possible to treat illness more effectively with overall health being achieved. An example of a middle range nursing theory is Mishel’s Uncertainly in Illness Theory. This theory is related to a particular phenomenon and focuses more on concrete ideas, which makes it a middle range theory. The Uncertainty in Illness Theory explains how clients cognitively process illness-related stimuli and construct meaning in these clients (McEwen & Wills, 2014). Uncertainty is seen if the patient doesn’t form a cognitive awareness of their illness. The hope is to help the patient’s uncertainty about illness, so it doesn’t damage the patients will to live and get better. A major goal for the patient is adaptation. A situation-specific or practice theory in nursing are narrow, circumscribed theories proposed for a specific type of practice (McEwen & Wills, 2014). An example is theory of preserving toward normalcy after childbirth. This theory identified strategies necessary to help manage fatigue and sleep deprivation after childbirth. This type of theory

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