
Theory Of Health Inequality

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Janiel Mcdonald Kines. 489 Response paper #1 In this article the main purpose that Link and Phelan wanted to argue was the fundamental causes of theory of health inequalities, also known as Socioeconomic status (SES). They wanted to create a theory to explain the causes of the health disparities, including diseases and risk factors, whereas they found that they were a few resources that may or may not have an impact on the outcome of this theory, which includes; money, knowledge, power etc. that explain may influence a persons living conditions and their lifestyle. The author presents a few evidence to support their argument in a way that one’s insight can be clearer of what is written. As said before socioeconomic status influences multiple disease outcomes, where it discovered that the society’s poor and less privileged people lives in the worst health and die much younger than the more privileged people. It is said that they are at more risk of death for those being at their lowest …show more content…

The link primarily came from Link and Phelan with significant elaboration and extension by Luftey and Freese. The primary statement of the theory appeared in the year of 1995 in a special issue the Journal of Health and Social Behavior. According to that the social cause of fundamental inequalities has four essential features. The first one is that it influences multiple disease outcomes. Second affects disease outcomes through multiple risk factor. Third, it allows persons to use resources to help avoid risk of disease once it occurs, and fourth the fundamentals is used in replacement of the intervening of mechanisms. I do find the authors arguments persuasive because, in order to live a healthy life style you would need to live a healthy one and being to able to get taken care in the right

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