
There Is A Blurred Distinction Between Humans And Androids In Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep

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Humans and androids are said to be polar opposites. Humans have feelings and emotions but androids on the other hand are thought to be emotionless beings that do not have the ability to feel and act accordingly. Jill Galvan in his article argues that Dick claims there is a blurred distinction between humans and their own mechanical creations (Galvan 413). In the novel, there is this same blurred distinction between humans and android’s ability to be empathetic. Galvan’s statement reiterates how Dick states that there is a blurred distinction between humans and their manmade creations which then Galvan juxtaposes this notion with the actions of humans and androids which we see in the novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. Rachel, an android has the ability to have feelings which can be taken as having ‘empathy’, something androids are supposed to not feel. “Rachel Rosen, the android who most pointedly calls Rick to account for his actions, shows real concern for the six escaped androids he has been commissioned to retire” (Galvan 414). Rachel, an android, is said to not be capable of having feelings yet she feels concern for the escaped androids that have to be killed. Rachel seduces Rick to prevent him from retiring the other androids. By doing this her actions hint that she feels for the other androids. This agrees with the blurred distinction between humans and android’s ability to be empathetic. There is this said discrepancy between androids and humans yet in the

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