
Thesis Of Z Generation

Decent Essays

Purpose: To define the characteristics of the Z generation effectively on analyzing consumer behavior

Target Audience: entrepreneurs, marketers and creative planners who wish to deal-with customers and business

Thesis Statement:

Millennials are divided into 2 classifications. The Millennials of Y Generation who are born between 1979 and 1994 who has 78 million annual spending powers and composed of the parents of the younger millennials and the first users of the technology of instant messaging and mobile phones. They are highly social conscious and concerned about environmental issues and usually selective, confident and impatient. The other one is the Post Millennials of Z Generation who are born between mid-1990s to present …show more content…

Social media is the main culprit for so called “touch generation”. Everything you need is to touch, swipe and manifest through the magical fingers. You need friends? Add them in facebook, you need recipes to cook? Watch it on Youtube. You hungry? Use McDo app and lot of things that made each single activity with the touch of technological advancement. With this manifestation of being instant at the same time of the touch technology, online shops are everywhere from shoes, apparels and even jewelries. You could be able to buy those things just lifting your fingers even at your bed.

With that kind of personality and values of this generation have, marketers, entrepreneurs and businessmen shall take these into consideration of placing your products, services, promotions and other marketing activities within the boundaries of the next prime movers of the country which will be also the prime movers of who will decide what to buy, what is needed and what is, I want to have. Promotions that are aligned on the value on its products not just only to its brand but to central notion of providing customer satisfaction that fulfills its customer requirements, a need to be clearly understood and a must to translate into marketing

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