
Essay On Filial Piety

Decent Essays

YoungHyun Lee
Rebecca Ehrenwirth
Global perspective on society
26 September 2017
Significant differences Filial Piety is a widespread custom belief that is prominent within a confucianism community. The whole idea of filial piety is to teach younger generations to “commence with the service of parents; it proceeds to the service of the ruler” (Jing 58). In a society, filial piety has more than a function of simply teaching people to respect their elders: the ideals of Confucian’s teachings help to create certain social standards within a community. According to Jing, high ministers and great officers “exemplify [their people through] virtuous ways,” and as long as “none of their actions [are] contrary to the right way [then] they can then …show more content…

Mills explains that behind the social structure, the distribution of power is unequal , specifically in terms of race. He thoroughly explains that the leading reasons are clearly rooted within our history that European conquest has led to a social hierarchy in which “it designates Europeans as the privileged race” (Mills 33). Since most of societies have been built it’s economy and power around this bit of history, Mill’s ‘racial contract’ is thus a universal contract that must be obliged in order to partake in society. Through this “racial exploitation of others, [the universal] moral psychology is skewed consciously or unconsciously toward privileging [the Europeans], taking the status quo of differential racial entitlement” (Mills 40). In order for the people to participate as a normal functioning citizen, they must “set formal or informal agreements [of the Contract] which sets the limits of the contract’s validity between the members of one subset of humans with the class of full persons” (Mills 11). This ‘contract’ that people sign essentially requires a standard of praise towards people’s white counterparts in order to conform to a full …show more content…

His texts claims that while “love is what is chiefly rendered to the mother, and reverence is what is chiefly rendered to the ruler, [both] of these things are given to the father. The belief of filial piety has a clear distinction on a patriarchal society that emphasizes respect and praise towards a mature generation. However, in Mill’s The Racial Contract, Mills makes the point that people’s social discipline usually leans toward respecting the white race. As mentioned, the Racial Contract has asked many people’s perception on equal distribution of power by letting white people take advantage of the status quo (Mills 40). The clear distinction between these two texts is clear: although both argue that people pay their respects to anyone but themselves in a society, Jing makes it clear that the kindred plays a role in exemplifying privilege whereas Mills argue that the privilege has already been established due to European conquest. The real difference is that within the readings of filial piety, the mandates of heaven are also required follow a certain guideline in which they serve as an honorary example for their people (Jing 60). However, Mills explains that the whole ‘social contract’ idea is that people give up their rights to serve underneath people who are just as equal as them: the only difference is that their countries were able to

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