
Thesis Statement For Poverty

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Poverty rates in Adams County, Pennsylvania have continually inflated since the 2009 "Point in Time" study was conducted. In 2014, surveys found that the poverty rate when counting female head of households rose up to 28.4%; this, compared to the statewide's poverty rate of 11.4%, demonstrates the dire need to aid the homeless in our community. When conducting research on the subject of assisting the homeless, I hit various impasses, until I stumbled across a procedure called "transitional housing program." This program allows those facing eviction to maintain their homes or find more affordable houses, provides the head of the household with rent, and even aid families in moving out of shelters. So, that being said, I have formulated a few research …show more content…

I would like for this "solution" to prove feasibility and remain concrete in information and evidence. I am not sure how to avoid vague generalizations, but I sure will make an attempt! Continuing on, I believe that if I include feasibility and concrete information, I can persuade friends or colleagues to agree with my claim. (Meaning, no I have not discussed this theory/ argument with anyone before)

Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I hope it was insightful, and I look forward to any feedback/ replies that I receive.

With Warm Regards,
Meganne K. Arnett


Access Housing. (2016). Homelessness Facts & Statistics. Retrieved from:

JustGive. (2016). 35 Ways to Help the Homeless. Retrieved from:

Kaplan University Writing Center. (2011). Writing a Thesis Statement: The Central Step in the writing Process. Retrieved from:

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