
Thier Equine Therapy

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Horses, like many other animals, have been used in wide ranges of therapy such as trauma therapy, assisting people with disabilities, and even prisons or weight loss programs (Colclasure). In special facilities, equine therapy programs have even expanded to treat mental illnesses such as eating disorders. One ranch specifically has made progress in this area and can be used as an example to showcase the effectiveness. Remuda Ranch in Arizona opened a program for patients with anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorder. The owner of the ranch had the idea after he noticed the crucial role that horses played in his daughter's own recovery in 1990 (Colclasure). Their program has successfully helped over 5,000 women and adolescent girls recover from eating disorders (Colclasure). …show more content…

Thier equine therapy is effective because horses, unlike people, respond genuinely to a person's actions or feelings. They are relational animals that mirror what the body language of the patient is

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