The few things I hate about poetry is when it doesn’t rhyme or have meaning to it because then I would have to put more effort in to understand it and I really do not like to read that much I would not consider that as being lazy I just say I do not want to break it down to find a deeper meaning if it does not pop right
Clint Smith is a writer, teacher, and doctoral candidate in Education at Harvard University with a concentration in Culture, Institutions, and Society. Smith Clint wrote a poem called “Something You should Know.” The poem is about an early job he had in a Petsmart. The poet allows the readers into his personal life, but before he had trouble opening up to people and his work. Moreover, Clint wrote an insight in the poem about relying in anything to feel safe and he says it is the most terrifying thing any person can do.
On August 6, 1969, a megalomaniac named Charles Manson ordered his “Family” to kill everyone in a house that used to be owned by a well known music recorder named Terry Melcher. However, Malcher was not occupying the house but instead the house was occupied by a renowned movie producer, Roman Polanski, and his wife, actress Sharon Tate. On that date, Manson’s family perpetrated one of the most gruesome crime in Hollywood’s history by stabbing to death Sharon Tate and her friends. The case that ensued after the murder became one of the most publicised murder trial in the history of crime.
Lorna Dee Cervantes' poem, “Poema para los Californios Muertos” (“Poem for the Dead Californios”), is a commentary on what happened to the original inhabitants of California when California was still Mexico, and an address to the speaker's dead ancestors. Utilizing a unique dynamic, consistently alternating between Spanish and English, Cervantes accurately represents the fear, hatred, and humility experienced by the “Californios” through rhythm, arrangement, tone, and most importantly, through use of language.
Personally, I believe that the hardest part of poetry for me is finding the theme the author presents as it is always implicit. The theme is something one must deconstruct by using the devices presented by the poet. In William Stafford's “5 A.M”, the biggest challenge for me was to find the theme that was not stated directly. Theme can also be mistinturputated in many ways. Something that you may read in a poem may show a different perspective that the author is not trying to intend, and may throw you off the course of finding the theme. Reading poetry may not be as difficult as writing it for some, but personally I believe the analysation of a poem to find the theme is the most challenging aspect of
Take a minute to imagine “Men looking like they had been/attacked repeatedly by a succession /of wild animals,” “never/ ending blasted field of corpses,” and “throats half gone, /eyes bleeding, raw meat heaped/ in piles.” These are the vividly, grotesque images Edward Mayes describes to readers in his poem, “University of Iowa Hospital, 1976.” Before even reading the poem, the title gave me a preconceived idea of what the poem might be about. “University of Iowa Hospital, 1976” describes what an extreme version of what I expected the poem to be about. The images I
The Vacuum by Howard Nemerov talks about a widower and his late wife, and how he uses the vacuum as a symbol for her death. The poem expresses deep sorrow and sadness that derive from the loneliness of the speaker, after his other half’s passing away. Nemerov attempts to take his readers on a grief-stricken journey, by strategically employing figurative language (mainly personification, metaphor, simile, and alliteration), fractured rhyme schemes and turns in stanza breaks in the poem.
"Grey's Anatomy" is a popular drama doctor show to this day. They had a music event episode where everyone sang and they had two songs that display the symbolic cycle. Both pieces compliment each other because of their similarities in the symbolic cycle, birth and death. The visual display of the songs fit together because of the setting and how the music itself develops throughout each song. These songs were chosen to be in "Grey's Anatomy" because they illustrate real life of losing someone and being blind to someone's pain they try to hide. In "How to Save a Life" and "The Story" the composers develop the theme of life and death.
2. What are the symbolic significances of the candy store in Lawrence Ferlinghetti's "The Pennycandystore Beyond the El" (Geddes, 318)?
In this essay I am going to compare and contrast ‘When we two parted’ a poem of George Gordon, Lord Byron’s written in 1815 and Letitia Elizabeth Landon’s ‘Love’s last lesson’ written in c1838, both poets are British and of the romantic period.
Proctor states “I say—I say—God is dead!” when he was demanded to confess to witchcraft. Arthur Miller’s “The Crucible” reveals how a hysterical and evil people can use religion as a mask to conceal their true identity. John Proctor has a secret, his affair with Abigail Williams led to Abigail’s jealousy of his wife, Elizabeth, which starts the entire witch hysteria. Elizabeth was persecuted for being a “witch”. However, Elizabeth couldn’t be hanged because it is found that she is pregnant. The children who were “possessed” by witches held grudges against the accused. Proctor knew that Abigail was a fraud, however he couldn’t prove it. Proctor soon realizes that he can end Abigail’s rampage through Salem. It was only if he admit to his adultery.
W.H Auden famously wrote “poetry makes nothing happen.” Do you think this accurately describes the political and social place of poetry in the twentieth century and/or the twenty first century? Explain why you agree or disagree in the case of your chosen poet, justifying your answer with close reference to your poet’s work and its reception and interpretation.
One of the parents' greatest achievements and immediate responsibility is to sent their children toschool but sending them to school doesn't only mean to make them accademically active but also tomake them socially active by joining and participating on ectra-curricular activities. Participating onextra-curricular activities contributes a lot and helps the child molds their social being. From preparatory to elementary to high school and even to college, school doesn't only for academicenhancements and purposes, it always includes extra-curricular activities.Students who participate in extracurricular activities generally benefit from the many opportunitiesafforded them. Benefits of participating in extracurricular activities included having better grades,having higher standardized test scores and higher educational attainment, attending school moreregularly, and having higher a higher selfconcept. Participants in out-of-school activities oftenlearned skills such as teamwork and leadership while decreasing the likelihood of alcohol use andillicit drug use and related problem behaviors. Those who participate in out-of-school activitiesoften have higher grade point averages, a decrease in absenteeism, and an increased connectednessto the school.Music, parental involvement, sports - all of these have an influence on how children performacademically. The way children choose to spend their free time can affect their school performance;it is not simply traditional in-class instruction that impacts academic achievement.Students attending school who participates in some sort of organized activities which may includeclubs, athletic opportunities, dance line or cheer teams, Scouts, drama or theater, youth groups,student council, and club sports. There is substantial interest in how teenagers are spending their leisure time outside the school day, and what types of activities are important to their development.Through my research, I found out that there are studies that support either being involved, beingover-involved, or not being involved at all in extracurricular activities and how participation canimpact what becomes of teens in the future based on participation in activities outside the schoolday.Research indicates
Poetry allows the writer, the reader and even those listening to get a deeper sense of being. It gives us the opportunity to break free from simple and boring routine. If done correctly a poem will done correctly a poem will be able to stir emotion, and create wonder. In order to this however all the part that make up a poem must be in sync. Its tone, diction, imaginary, rhythm, symbolism and subject matter are all critical areas. A good poem will draw an emotional reaction from its audience, whether those are light and upbeat or darker more serious feelings they will come away with a new experience, changed by what they just experienced. Two such poems that embody what a good poem should be are “Lady Lazarus” by Sylvia Plath and “Harlem”, also published as “Dream Deferred” by Langston Hughes. These poems elevate the experience for reading, listening and writing poetry, and serve as an excellent reference for a poem should be.
In regards to discussing my experience in high school, I tend to keep quiet about it primarily because of the lack of memories I have about it. However, I will say that out of all the lessons that I learned in high school; in regards to concepts like time management and with meeting deadlines, there has always been this one lesson that has stuck with me. Consequently, while it's a skill that I don't use all that often, it's used to great effect. I've used it to write stories about those who have protested about civil rights and about the right of racial equality. It might not be this big important life lesson to most, but to me, learning to write in the imagist style of poetry has managed to grant me this ability to tell stories visually without the use of images themselves.