
This Narrative Will Give You Information On Women’S Roles

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This narrative will give you information on women’s roles in the 18th and 19th century. It will discuss Queen Victoria role, and her thoughts when she ruled in the 18th century and Harriet Tubman’s role and her views during the 19th century. If the two met, their conversation could start by both of them asking questions about their views and concerns during their time. Queen Victoria would have started the dialog by asking Harriet questions about their similarities and when did she become so passionate about her freedom and the freedom of other slaves. Queen Victoria would proceed with other questions such as Harriet’s leadership abilities and her capability of leading black slaves to their freedom without losing anyone on their …show more content…

Her mother was Victoire Maria Louisa of Saxe-Coburg. Queen Victoria became the successor to the British crown after the death of her uncle George IV in 1825. Members of Parliament gave royalty to the princess (Daniels, 2016). The first couple of days of her rule were quite remarkable in which she showed poise, composure, and she had experienced in governmental procedures of her state. Queen Victoria delegates were surprised and agreed with her knowledge she was given in her training, as a child growing up. Queen Victoria took to her responsibilities with ease as though she had the experience of a person having been doing such a job for a while and gaining experience along the way. In doing so, she earned the respect of her subjects giving her the appearance of presence of mind. Her looks seem to be delightful along with her youth, which influenced an immeasurable interest in all who came in contact with her. Queen Victoria had respect for others, her compassion was of school children in a memorandum to her minister, Lord Melbourne advising him to give an additional holiday to school officials to approve a holiday on for coronations in the future (Browne, 2005). During this period, times were hard and her subjects were depressed, along with adversities and bad business management kept the nation in a state of unrest. There were people in the community that caused issues of disturbances in

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