
Thomas Edison Brought Light to the World

Satisfactory Essays

Many of children were afraid of darkness after sunset, Thomas Edison was also afraid of darkness (Smithsonian Lemelson Center, n.d.). Thomas invented one of the most effective things in that century. Thomas tried to find a way to fight with his weakness. Thomas tried and failed several times before he was success in his mission. Finally, Thomas invented light bulb, and that is starting of light source to bright up humans’ world in the night and the end of darkness in the night. Light bulb has been develop from past to present and still continuing finding a better light bulb function for our world. In the past and in the present, there are many differences in light bulb, but it still continues to consume our valuable energy. When the time passes, it brings an advanced improvement to our world and lives. Lighting is not just mean candles, but nowadays it included different types of light bulb. In the past light bulb are seemed to be round shape thick glass bulb (Matulka, 2013). In the present, it looks like a white tube. From the yellow light changed into the bright white. From the one shape of bulb, round and narrow down to the end of tube, have been change into varies shape of tube. Varity of tube make in more comfortable and give a modern look to your house. For an example, straight tube uses in the large area to give light equally. According to Milestones in lighting (2012) article, nowadays light bulb, fluorescent tube, can be recycle, because of the less amount of

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