
Three Key Types Of Organizational Commitment

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it usually results to the costs that an employee associates with leaving the organization, continuance commitment is also determined to a great extent by organizational culture, and when an employee finds an organization to be positive and supportive, the employee will have a higher degree of continuance commitment. Important organizational factors like employee loyalty and employee retention are components of continuance commitment”. From his journal “3 Key Types of Organisational Commitment” Van der Werf R, (2016) stated “normative commitment relates to how much employees feel they should stay at their organization, employees that are normatively committed generally feel that they should stay at their organizations, normatively committed employees feel that leaving their organization would have disastrous consequences, and feel a sense of guilt about the possibility of leaving”. Take from journal “Effects of …show more content…

(2012), “Factors Affecting Quality of Work Life: An Analysis on Employees of Private Limited Companies in Bangladesh” he concluded, “it can be recommended that quality of work life is such a critical concept that might be disturbed due to dissatisfaction of mind set. However, the companies can focus on their employee’s welfare by providing them a better and attractive compensation policy, optimum work load and by providing a superior work environment. The private companies should create a career growth opportunity within their environment that may lead to a better performance and therefore a better productivity” In the research conducted by S. Naganandini Selvaraj (2014), “A Study on Review of Quality of Work Life on Employee Retention in Private Companies” he concluded that “A happy and healthy employee will give better turnover, make good decision and positively contribute to the organizational goal. An assured quality of work life will not only attract young and new talent but also retain the existing

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