
Tim Ferris Podcast Analysis

Decent Essays

Response to the Time Ferriss Podcast I thoroughly enjoyed the Tim Ferriss Podcast! There were several aspects of the podcast that I found creepily relevant, to my own way of interacting with others. This interview resonated with certain areas that have been popping up in my life, as a result of my preferential profile (Myers-Briggs/Golden type). I appreciated that he had a balanced yet poetic view of the world and how he relates to it. Ferriss references there being two types of support in everyone’s life: Motherly, which is unconditional and fatherly, which is conditional. He goes as far as to say that with Fatherly support the condition is that you must achieve “X goal” for there to be any supportive action shown. And in the long run, it’s …show more content…

That response reminded me of the saying: “Life is about using the whole box of crayons”. We are all complex individuals with a barrage of talents, skills and interests, we should always strive to use those different things to make our dreams come true, all of our different dreams. And as cliché as it may sound, sometimes the path to our main goal isn’t as straightforward as we’ve planned it in our heads, but we have to persevere and dust ourselves off after …show more content…

Ferriss theorizes that going out of the comfort zone, is not only expansive of our comfort sphere but also allows us to gain more competencies. Those gained competencies would not have been possible to achieve if we were functioning solely from our places of fear. He talks about “what’s the worst that could happen” and I chuckled because I am the queen of finding some of the most outlandish what ifs, when posed with that very question. But he made a great point, most of the time even when it doesn’t turn out great, nothing “awful” ever really happens, in most of the “what’s the worst that could happen” situations. And those situations help us to be more willing to step out of comfort zones and become even greater at numerous

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