
To Build A Fire Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Chosen vocational field/name of job I would like to be a culinary (chef)
Identify the potential problem Not property sanitizing cooking surfaces and knives or cooking food to the proper temperature can cause food poisoning or even death.
Food needs to be cooked at the right temperature and stored properly, if it’s not people can get sick.

Include at least 4 sentences of how this problem connects to the theme of the story The Devil and Tom Walker or To Build a Fire The man in “To build a fire” went out to a camp when it was too cold to be out on the trail.
He wasn’t aware enough of the dangers of the cold and eventually it killed him.
In the culinary field you have to be very careful to keep things sanitary.
If you take short cuts or …show more content…

He should have been. When cooking you have to keep surfaces cleaned and sanitized to prevent cross contamination.

Rationale for Solution 1 Being worried about people getting sick from cross contamination will help me not forget to property sanitize surfaces properly. ”Unless you wash your hands, utensils and surfaces the right way you could spread bacteria to your food.” (“Food Safety” 2017) It only takes a minute to sanitize a kitchen implement. It’s well worth the time.

Solution 2 According to the centers for disease control and prevention.
“food is safely cooked when the internal temperature gets high enough to kill germs that can make you sick’’ (“keep food safe” 2017)

Rationale for Solution 2 I will always cook my food thoroughly to make sure there are no germs to get people sick. You can easily tell the temperature of food by using a thermometer. For instance a beef roast should have at least a temperature of 155 internally when cooked properly.

Solution 3 Is important to store food correctly to avoid cross contaminating it. According to food prep and storage “To prevent cross contamination store food in a cooler in… order.” (“Food Prep”

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