
To Kill A Mockingbird, Lord Of The Flies, And Ellen Foster

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A recurring theme in the books I read for summer reading was something that has been affecting our daily lives for generations. I noticed that in the books I read, To Kill A Mockingbird, Lord of the Flies, and Ellen Foster, there was always a conflict between two groups. In To Kill A Mockingbird, the hatred I found was that of the town of Maycomb, and Tom Robinson and all of the African American community. I also found that hatred was geared toward Atticus Finch as well, for defending Tom Robinson in court. Hatred fueled the decision to put Tom in jail, and hatred is what ended up killing him, mere days after his sentence was given. I noticed while reading this novel that Tom Robinson had no chance of winning the trial. A quote from the trial, “You felt sorry for her, you felt sorry for her?” (Lee 225.) In that particular quote, Mr. Gilmer, was talking down to Tom Robinson, only because he was a black man. If he were white, Mr. Gilmer would not be talking to Tom Robinson with such superiority. Tom had said that he felt bad for Mayella Ewell, doing such hard work on her own. He felt as if he should help, and by helping her, he was convicted of a crime he did not, and would not, commit. He was put up against people who didn’t want to listen to the real story and instead gave in to their prejudices about and hatred towards African Americans. Hatred is something very prevalent in the town of Maycomb, Alabama. While reading Lord of the Flies, I saw that hatred played a very

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