
To Kill a Mockinbird by Harper Lee

Decent Essays

We are set in our ways, bound by our perspectives and stuck in our thinking- Joes Osteen. While many opportunities arise in life for many different individuals of very different backgrounds, people rarely accept their shovel to dig out of their hole. In Harper Lee’s novel to Kill a Mockingbird Bob Ewell is given many chances to pull himself and his family out of their elected squalor; however, being set in his ways he never took a leap into the above. Bob Ewell had many chances to rise out of social inequality and to free his family from their political bondage, although, he never took the chances to heart.
Some readers feel that it is not always possible to work out of political bondage, or that Bob Ewell did the best he could with what he had. However, this statement is quickly torn to pieces when data is from the novel is more closely scrutinized. Although, his wife did die and left him with many children in a very poor economical standing, he still could have gotten a position of employment to improve his and his family’s condition. In addition, he could have also chosen to spend his county relief check on much needed necessities for his family rather than squander it on worthless alcohol.
If Bob were truly motivated to do the best with what he had he would have worked hard and spend his relief check on something useful. His malignant laziness bared its teeth to the readers when he was fired from the WPA. Bob was a man set in his ways, if he didn’t truly have to do

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