
Today 's Culture : Is It Still Exist? Today? S Culture?

Decent Essays

Rest? Does it even exist in today’s culture?

Consistently saturated in constant noise,it surrounds us everywhere, be it work, social media, school, goals. Somewhere along the way the world has programmed us to keep moving and never slow down.

The spirit of busy consumes our downtime we saturate ourselves in tv, scrolling through Pintrest, updating our Facebook, taking selfies and constantly meditating on the worries of today.
The rest stop, we park in is worry, and busyness is our companion. Fear drives our motivation to stay connected in the world , it pushes us through our days, propelling us farther away from the destiny in which the Lord is calling us to.
The Lord has been dealing with me about my former self.
That nasty black hole which resided in me fed off of constant busyness, And I believed, if I stayed busy, and connected to the world no one would forget about me. By pushing harder in my work and made more money eventually, that hole inside would fill to overflowing.

However the more I strived, the harder I pushed, the sicker I became. Until the only shell of a person remained. When I gave my life to Christ, He started an immediate work in me. Like a puzzle He started rearranging the pieces in my life and highlighting my true priorities.

The Lord chose me and my purpose was for Him. And he spoke into my heart that I would never feel fulfilled until I walked with Him towards my destiny.
In a vision one morning in prayer the Lord showed me how

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