
Tomingo Balla Research Paper

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Giacomo Balla. born on July in 1871, was an Italian futurist artist. He graduated at the University of Turin. He married Elisa Marcucci and together they moved to Rome in 1895. He worked as an illustrator, caricaturist and portraiture. In 1899, his work was exhibited at the Venice Biennale, and his other developing works were displayed in major art. On1902 he taught Unberto Boccini and Gino Severini, a Divisionist technique. He was soon influenced by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti. Balla adopted the Futurism style, and was one of the first signatory of Futurist Manifesto. Ever since then, He embraced the futuristic style and started designing futurism furniture and ‘antineutral’ clothing. He welcomed young artists to his studio during World War

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