
Tomorrow When The War Began Ellie Quotes

Decent Essays

Ellie is a hero
Todays society usually views heroes as male characters, as they are the definition of a hero according to "is a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities." So what then is a female called when she also displays the characteristics of nobility, brave deeds and courage? In the case of the book Tomorrow when the war began, her name is Ellie Linton. Ellie does what others would not, in order to save her friends from the dangers caused by the invaders.
Ellie is a hero not just because she is admired for her brave deeds , she also uses her skill and knowledge to her advantage. This is seen when they had to transport Lee from the restaurant , as he was too injured to walk, let alone be stealthy enough not to get caught . Thinking under pressure Ellie was still able to help her friend,whilst …show more content…

Ellie is also not afraid to tell others her opinions of others heroism “Sounds like you and Robyn,’ I said. ‘I reckon she should get a medal.’” Ellie said this to Lee when in hermits hut when they discovered the citation of the st. George medal. She is comparing Robyn to the recipient of the medal as the owner of the medal was rewarded it by risking his own life and showing displaying conspicuous gallantry for his King. She recognises that Robyn is a hero in, as she says, “how brave Robyn was that night. I don’t want medals for her…but I think she was a bloody hero”. Ellie said this when Robyn and Lee explained, how Lee was shot. She thought Robyn was a hero as she put his safety in front of hers and help the wounded Lee to safety. This shows that Ellie is able to recognise others actions ,other then hers and that she is a noble person. It also displays that she believes that heroes don't need to have medals, that they should be heroes because they want to help, inspire or save another

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