
Tony Nicklinson : An Active Individual Who Had A Dynamic Social Life

Decent Essays

Tony Nicklinson was an active individual who had a dynamic social life and was very involved with his family. In 2004 Tony Nicklinson made an advanced directive that refused any form of life-sustaining treatment. In June of 2005, he was working in the United Arab Emirates for an engineering company. While he was working for this company he suffered from a stroke, as a result of an undiagnosed medical condition of the heart. The stroke left him in critical condition, which required him to be hospitalized in Athens for a considerable length of time. In which time he was diagnosed with “locked-in syndrome” which meant that the stroke had left him paralyzed but fully cognizant of himself and his surroundings. The only way in which Tony Nicklinson could communicate was by blinking. In 2010 Mr. Nicklinson began legal proceedings which were filed that the court allows him to end his life. Earlier in that same year the guidelines on assisted suicide changed to allow greater consideration for and to put greater emphasis on the factors motivating the patient to seek to end their life. The changes in these regulations meant that the motivations of the person asking to end their life played a bigger role in the decision of the court on such cases. After Mr. Nicklinson filed the court proceedings, his lawyers requested a review of the current state of the murder law and how it applies in cases where the patient is requesting a mercy killing. One of the arguments brought up by his lawyers

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