
Tootsie Roll Candy Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

I currently bought eight bags of your tootsie roll candy. From the Family Dollar Store at 36650 Passion Ave. on 9/30/16.

My problem with your product is that when I gave my five year old daughter one of the tootsie rolls packets. When she open the little packet in front on me. I so happen to see this white strong scented powdery substance in the pack with the candy. So me being a mother, a concern one at that, I would love to know what is this and the fact that you didn’t put a warning on any of your packets. Concerns me too because I spent my hard working money. On something that could harm my child in any way.

I’m hoping you receive this letter, by 10/12/16 at least and give me a reasonable reason on why, and what this substance is. I

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