
Toronto Police 's Carding Epidemic Continues

Decent Essays

Toronto police’s carding epidemic continues, despite the recent public outcry to abolish it. Seldom efforts continue at the provincial level. Ontario’s minister of community safety, Yasir Naqvi is yet to understand the public’s issue with carding with his confusing double standards. The importance of public input in this process is just as important as the police and elected officials are. The public must be educated on this matter. Carding must end. It is a form of racism and has no place in Toronto.
Toronto is one of the most diverse cities in the world and carding affects these people the most, because of skin colour, social background, and their residence.
There is no clear evidence whose side Yazir Navqui is on in terms of carding. According to The Ontario’s minister of community safety, Yazir Naqvi “We have zero tolerance for racism or marginalization, including any form of discrimination..; and we stand opposed to arbitrary, random stops that do not have a clear policing purpose, and which are done solely for the purpose of collecting personal information.” (“The Existential Crisis Facing Carding. 2015,September 13 The Globe and Mail”) He is trying to balance both sides of the scale. The problem is it won’t last long.
Carding, in Toronto is the police practice of obtaining information from questioning people. It is prejudice and predates an era of segregation and racism. Carding, disproportionally affects African-Canadians. It has been statistically proven to show the

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