At Total Defense Woman, we equip women with the skills needed to aid them in getting away from an attacker safely. We instill confidence, safety techniques, and self-defense skills. These skills include wrist escapes, choke escapes, kicks, and knees, arm lock from the ground, T-shirt collar chokes, Triangle, and guillotine choke from the ground. As we teach women these skill sets, they gain confidence through protecting themselves. In our six-week course, we incorporate a fitness class to help women reach optimal success in their endeavors. Our mission is to instill self-defense, fitness, and a healthy way of life into every woman's lifestyle. Focusing on building a self-defense curriculum in all school P.E. classes helps us accomplish our goal. …show more content…
Employees and clients must act with integrity, competence, and respect. Moreover, our first responsibility is to provide high-quality instruction to our clients. Additionally, our responsibility to our employees is to treat them with courtesy, respect, and fairness. When hiring employees, we ask about their personal aspirations and goals in working for our company. We also inform candidates about our company’s mission and core values. We want to make sure the candidate's values correspond with our values for optimal success. Sexual harassment or discrimination, of any kind, will not be tolerated by employees or
Also, management will examine two laws that must follow during the relationship process, and specify the manner in which each law would help in the relationship building process. Finally, we will evaluate the effectiveness of the organization’s HR policies and processes that are designed to promote a diverse workforce, we will outline a strategy for the organization that recognizes affirmative action, and the HR team will include in our plan to migrate both the glass ceiling effect and reverse discrimination within our organization.
The Company commits to provide a workplace where all employees can work together productively and comfortably. Each individual has the right to work in a professional environment that prohibits unfair practices and encourages equal opportunity. The Company will not tolerate harassment
Company X strives to provide its workforce with a safe and secure workplace, free from any and all forms of harassment. Through a stringent screening process of potential new hires along with reinforcing Company X’s code of ethics through various methods, Company X will build its culture of values.
3.4: Explain the importance of making sure equality and diversity procedures are followed in the workplace
1. 1 Legal and organizational requirements on equality, diversity, discrimination, rights , confidentiality and sharing of information in relation to managing and developing yourself and your workforce
People must not be unfairly discriminated against because of any of these factors and we must all contribute to creating a positive workplace and service delivery environment where discriminatory practices and
A 14- year old brown belt in karate said she was walking home from the grocery store one Friday when a mid- aged man tried to talk to her. When she refused to converse with him and told him to leave her alone, he grabbed her. She states “ Before karate, I would have frozen up and simply stopped breathing.” “Instantly I calmly turned around and struck the man in the face. He then fell to the ground and I ran.” According to the department of Justice, teens 16 to 19 years of age were 3 ½ times more likely than the general population to be victims of rape, attempted rape, or sexual assault. In order to prevent teens from becoming apart of the statistic, schools need to make it mandatory for teenagers to take self-defense courses in highschool because
There will not be any of those types of behavior present within the established working environment. If the situation was to ever arise whereby somebody was participating in a questionably unprofessional racial or sexual behavior, the individual would promptly become warned those types of behavior s are not tolerated under any circumstances. Leadership by example will help to mitigate the probability for that type of behavior to transpire. Best policies, practices, and procedures are more than likely available on the Farmers Insurance agency dashboard. The resources available to Farmers Insurance agents are mind boggling; utilizing every available resource to exploit core competencies is going to soon become an overarching strategy. According to Kohlberg’s Moral Maturity model, developing individuals to post conventional levels entails having them adhere to “universal ethical principles—acts are consistent with personal moral principles, seeking the greater good” (de Janaz, Dowd, & Schneider,
This first criteria Deetz discusses is probably the way many organizations are dealt with. However, in the current world that we live in, topics such as sexual harassment and sexism can no longer be taken lightly, or should I say can they be included in “company policy”. Many more companies today are using human resource models of managerialism rather that the traditional model that has been the only form of controlling a company up until the last half of the
Organizations have an obligation to create a harassment free environment for its employees. Harassment doesn’t have to be of a sexual nature. An organization is liable if the harassment is so frequent or severe that it creates a hostile or offensive work environment or when it results in adverse employment actions such as the victim being fired, demoted, or transferred. Harassing a person based on their sex is illegal. Sexual harassment has a great impact on an employee’s productivity as well as poses a major impact on an organization’s finances in litigation.
Today’s workplace in consistent with several diverse backgrounds, which include different aspects of a working relationships within an organization, including age, nationality, education, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and religion. Although the companies include the diverse backgrounds, upon entering employment, each individual brings their own set of values, goals, and perception of acceptable behaviors (Lankard, 1991). In respect to the organization, these multicultural individuals are asked to work together in obtaining the corporations goals and policies. However, in the workplace, several ethical dilemmas may arise, which is not limited to, downsizing employees, salaries, successful employing organization, these dilemmas are additional stress to a diverse working population. Resolving ethical dilemmas requires critical discussion, analyzing, problem solving, and decision-making (Lankard, 1991). Resolution cannot be completed with one or two individuals; this process needs to include all stakeholders, current, and future for legal and ethical purposes. Stakeholder’s views must be expressed and reviewed because it
When an employer has a clear and written policy prohibiting sexual harassment available to all staff then everyone is aware that such negative behaviors will not be tolerated in the workplace.
Harassment and discrimination claims are due to lack of education about the subject. As an independent human resources consultant, Santiago-Santos will organize a local education campaign and provide employers with different trainings to educate them and their employees about harassment and discrimination. Employers will have a better understanding on how to develop internal policies and procedures to address these claims. Also, trainings will be provided for employees and they will be educated on how to prevent and identify harassment and discrimination as well as what steps to take in order to report such behavior.
Work place policies regarding sexual harassment is the main issue discussed in this article. Sexual harassment has continued to be a challenge within the workplace. According to a recent review of sexual harassment related resolutions, employers have paid over $732,976.00 in sexual harassment fines (Hobson, Szostek, & Fitzgerald, 2015). The EEOC has issued written guidelines for appropriate strategies employers should use to handle workplace sexual harassment and specific ways to address it. It is the employer’s duty to proactively work to protect all employees from any type of sexual harassment by following sexual harassment policies and procedures that are put in place. Failure to implement and follow the policy and procedure in the workplace can and most likely will lead to liability should an EEOC investigation or lawsuit occur. The employer needs to disperse copies of the policies and procedures and post them in central locations throughout the organization and address sexual harassment in the employee handbooks. The policy and procedures need to clear
Unfortunately, the news has recently been dominated by instances of rape, kidnapping and other heinous crimes. Teaching and schooling about physical education and art is provided, but schools do not equip students with basic life skills - especially the skill of safety. The need for a project that instructs young girls how to defend themselves is immense.