
Total Defense Woman

Decent Essays

At Total Defense Woman, we equip women with the skills needed to aid them in getting away from an attacker safely. We instill confidence, safety techniques, and self-defense skills. These skills include wrist escapes, choke escapes, kicks, and knees, arm lock from the ground, T-shirt collar chokes, Triangle, and guillotine choke from the ground. As we teach women these skill sets, they gain confidence through protecting themselves. In our six-week course, we incorporate a fitness class to help women reach optimal success in their endeavors. Our mission is to instill self-defense, fitness, and a healthy way of life into every woman's lifestyle. Focusing on building a self-defense curriculum in all school P.E. classes helps us accomplish our goal. …show more content…

Employees and clients must act with integrity, competence, and respect. Moreover, our first responsibility is to provide high-quality instruction to our clients. Additionally, our responsibility to our employees is to treat them with courtesy, respect, and fairness. When hiring employees, we ask about their personal aspirations and goals in working for our company. We also inform candidates about our company’s mission and core values. We want to make sure the candidate's values correspond with our values for optimal success. Sexual harassment or discrimination, of any kind, will not be tolerated by employees or

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