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Imagine living in a country where it is illegal to watch movies, listen to music, or even play cards. To this day, there are still billions of people who live in these types of totalitarian countries. This movie focuses on one of these countries in particular, Iran, an Islamic-fascist state home to 75 million people, and the plight of a young woman named Marjane Satrapi who tries to escape this political oppression. In this movie, Marjane tries to reconcile her national identity with her desire to live in a free society, and this causes conflict within her family and her newly found European friends. The movie Persepolis brilliantly illustrates the cultural and personal struggles that millions of immigrants go through …show more content…

You cannot indoctrinate an intelligent thinker, like Marjane, who questions everything she is told. After having enough of Iran’s brutal totalitarianism, Marjane finally decided to immigrate to Europe to pursue freedom. What she discovered in Vienna is that the free world has its own problems as well. She had to put up with the spoiled political ignorance of her high school classmates, who were sheltered their entire lives but yet claimed to know what it is like to die for a worthy political cause. “Life is a void. When man realizes that he can no longer live, he invents power games”, to which Marjane, deeply offended, responded: “Bullshit! Life isn 't absurd! Some people give their lives for freedom. You think my uncle died for fun? Egotistical prick.” Other problems Marjane faced in Austria include trying to find love and being betrayed, and being homeless while “in the West, nobody cares if you die on the street.” This movie was based on real events that happened in Satrapi’s life growing up in Iran. “First published in France as a serial, Persepolis I portrays Satrapi 's early years in Iran until her departure for Vienna at the age of 14. This novel interweaves Satrapi 's personal history with that of her country to reveal the idiosyncrasies of both.” (Companion to the World Novel).

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