
Tourette Syndrome Research Papers

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Tourette syndrome is a disorder that affects people worldwide, no matter what age, ethnic group, or race. It is a disorder characterized by uncontrollable, repetitive motor or vocal actions called tics. Though not much is known about how TS is passed on, how it can be prevented, or the causes, there is still research being conducted on how TS can be treated and about TS itself.
Not much is known about how TS is passed on over generations or the causes. Yet that does not stop scientists from forming guesses. Scientists once believed that it was an autosomal dominant disorder. Though this has been dismissed as false, there are other ideas of where this disorder comes from. One hypothesis says that TS comes from a mutation on the SLITRK1 gene because this has been found in few people with TS. But this is not proven to be the sole cause of TS. That of which is not known.
Tourette syndrome is known for the tics that come with it. If a person has tics, that does …show more content…

Medicine such as Neuroleptics, Risperidone, and Fluphenazine have all shown progress in lessening the occurrence of tics. Therapy has also shown promising results in those diagnosed with TS. Therapies such as Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) and Comprehensive behavioral Intervention for Tics (CBIT) have both shown great progress in decreasing the occurrence and complexity of the tics.
The outlook for Tourette’s syndrome is hopeful. High-quality research is being conducted by medical professionals and support groups such as Tourette’s Association of America. This is a group that teaches people about Tourette’s and provides support for those diagnosed and their family members. It provides information on Tourette’s syndrome and shows the complications that those with the disorder and their family members have to go through. Tourette’s syndrome is a complex disorder that affects those with the disorder and those around

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