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Treatment, Prevention, and Control Since loss of sight due to trachoma is triggered by damage to the cornea and this process is permanent, it is important to start management of the disease in its initial stages. In 1997, WHO recognized the Alliance for Global Elimination of Trachoma (GET), which seeks to eliminate the illness by 2020. Its plan has been summed up with the abbreviation SAFE: Surgery, Antibiotics, Facial and Environmental change. The SAFE approach combines individual and community-oriented measures that consist of four inter-related components: • Surgery for trichiasis: Persons with trichiasis need to be identified and operated on to reduce the pain and to prevent or slow the progression toward blindness. If trachoma has been …show more content…

Annual mass treatment should continue until the prevalence of trachoma is less than 5 percent. If available, azithromycin should be used, as compliance may be an issue with tetracycline. While azithromycin is expensive, a donation program set up by Pfizer provides the drug, in the form of Zithromax®, free of charge to many countries where trachoma is endemic. • Facial cleanliness: Facial cleanliness should be promoted within the community through behavior change communication and low-cost hygienic interventions. Adequate facilities need to be provided for children to clean their faces. It has been shown that clean face campaigns can significantly reduce trachoma. Children with dirty faces are two to three times more likely to have trachoma. Many trachoma control programs advocate for general improvements in water supply for face washing and sanitation to suppress fly populations. Environmental changes: The transmission of trachoma by flies can be reduced by limiting the number of flies people come into contact with by building covered latrines, discouraging people from sleeping close to their livestock, and encouraging villagers to regularly collect and burn

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