
Tragic Day: Japan's Attack On Pearl Harbor

Decent Essays

December 7, 1941 was a tragic day. Our country was caught vulnerable and because of it, the United States will never be the same. Many lives were lost and spirits were broken, but the memories of those who fought hard that day will live on in our hearts forever. The attack on Pearl Harbor was a terrible event for all Americans, but even through the struggle we still managed to come together and fight back for our country. It can be noted that it was a calm and beautiful Sunday. Everyone went about their morning, performing their regular duties as they always did. The thought of an attack occurring that day never even crossed the islander’s minds to the slightest, or any American for that matter. Seeing as how close it is in proximity to Japan, …show more content…

This code was known as "Purple” and those deciphered texts were called "Magic." Some say that the Japanese had been planning the tragic day since January of 1941. Several weeks before the attack there was fear of the Philippines being attacked by Japan, but it never crossed anyone’s mind to think about Pearl Harbor being targeted (Pearl Harbor: Hawaii Was Surprised; FDR Was Not).
Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto is said to have initiated the plans. “Operation Hawaii” was first used as a code name by Japan, but was later changed to “Operation Z”. It has also been said that the attack was specifically chosen to take place on a Sunday. This decision was made because as we all know, Sundays are usually a great time for rest and relaxation with your family or friends, which only added to the shock and surprise of the attack (Pearl Harbor …show more content…

There were more than 1,500 aliens from Japan, but there were also from Italy and Germany. Certain ones were reviewed and released, but others were sent to detention camps. The War Relocation Authority (WRA) set up 10 internment camps to house Japanese-Americans during the war. Two months after the initial attack, Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066 which essentially stated that the military had the power to designate certain zones and had complete say in who was allowed to be in those said zones. With this order set in place, it sent over 110,000 Japanese people out of their homes and into concentration camps (Did the United States put its own citizens in concentration camps during

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