
Training Day Vs Serpico Research Paper

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Running head: Compare and Contrast Compare and Contrast April Smolkowicz Georgia Gwinnett College Upon watching the movie Serpico that was located in New York in 1973, and the movie Training Day that was located in Los Angeles in 2001, these were two different movies filmed years apart also geographically thousands of miles apart. I believe that both movies sharing similarities and differences can be discussed in three ways being: police corruption and misconduct, morals and the third category is education value. I will first start with the time period of the 1970’s movie Serpico; a New York police officer transfers to another precinct to work as an undercover police officer. Serpico witnesses his colleges accepting bribes, collecting for their division, committing violence, and refusing to take emergency calls, drawing their guns then shooting at individuals before knowing the situation. While Serpico refuses to accept bribes or anything that was not legal, his colleges in turn didn’t trust him. Serpico being a man of …show more content…

After being shot in the face from a drug bust gone wrong, Serpico resigned from the police force unlike Detective Alonzo who was killed by the Russian mafia. Clearly you could tell that both of these detectives had morals and knew what they needed to do in order to try and correct circumstances that had gone terribly wrong. Serpico was honest and showed integrity. It took guts for him to stand his ground even if that meant putting his life in danger to do what was ethically right. A gold shield was handed to him after he was shot, no ceremony was held. The thing that both detectives have in common is that they didn’t sign up for the corruption they were exposed to and made lasting impressions that they didn’t have to be involved in order to be a good police

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