
Transformational Leadership : A Transformational Leader

Decent Essays

As I take a moment to reflect on my time here, I have learned that I have traits of a Transformational Leader but that I also have room for improvement. I have highlighted areas in where I felt I needed the most improvement to become the Transformational Leader that I aspire to be. For the next three to five years, I plan to implement these changes to improve the way that I utilize the Elements of Adaptability, The Who, Stakes and Situation, Impact on Work Center Climate, and Ethical Behavior concepts. Understanding and effectively implementing these changes will make me a better leader for my subordinates, peers, and supervisors. I stated in my Module 5 PLDP that I currently struggle with my emotional flexibility, leading me to make …show more content…

In the next three to five years, I plan on developing in these concepts to help me with identifying what the priority is at the time, and the best way to handle it. Properly communicating The Who, Stakes and Situation concept, along with promoting a Cognitively Flexible approach to negotiations, will help when trying to agree on what the best decision is for the situation. This communication will breed trust amongst my subordinates, peers and supervisors and lead to a positive impact on the mission. With goals of becoming a more Transformational Leader, I must become versatile in my ability to apply all of the Four I’s: Intellectual Stimulation, Idealized Influence, Individual Consideration, and Inspirational Motivation. As I stated in Module 3 of my PLDP, I usually only focus on the Individual Consideration element. The next three to five years I plan to improve in all areas. Individual Consideration will be used to show my co-workers that I care about their individual goals to provide a sense of self-awareness. Intellectual Stimulation will be used to empower my subordinates to use their own thinking to resolve problems, creating a sense of pride and ownership. Inspirational Motivation will be used to encourage my peers to not only “Sale” the mission of the organization, but to “Buy in” as well, to

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