
Transgender Case Study

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Transgender individuals who experience discrimination, violence, or interpersonal rejection are at risk for developing symptoms of depression. Studies reported significantly higher levels of anxiety (26–38%) and depression (48–62%) within this community (Pflum, Testa, Balsam, Goldblum, Bongar, 2015). Different ethnic groups have varying experiences related to social support, gender-based stressors, and health outcomes. Racial outlook presents additional risk of prejudice and discrimination for transgender individuals. Researchers noted that Caucasian and Latina Trans women reported significantly higher needs for social support than participants of other ethnic groups, whereas African American and Asian/Pacific Islander Trans women received …show more content…

Research with nationally representative samples has revealed greater odds of psychological distress among sexual minority youths than among heterosexuals. A study with a community based sample of transgender youths found that 94% had experienced some form of sexual orientation based victimization. In addition, victimization has been associated with greater psychological distress including symptoms of somatization and anxiety, depression, substance use, suicide attempts, and PTSD (Mustanski, Andrews, &Puckett, 2016). They might be at risk for mental health problems later in life because of accumulation of stressors over …show more content…

(2016) demonstrated a longitudinal study conducted on 248 LGBT youths to examine the effects of victimization on mental disorders. They recruited participants from the Chicago, Illinois, area through e-mail advertisements, cards, and flyers posted in spaces serving large numbers of LGBT youths. The age range was from 16 to 20 years old. Data collection began in April 2007 and participants completed their seventh wave of data 4 years after their baseline visit. They collected data every 6 months within these 4 years. They administered a frequently used 10-item measure of LGBT-specific victimization. Participants used a 4-point scale to identify the frequency with which they experienced verbal and physical threats or assault. They conducted the Computerized Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children, version IV (C-DISC-IV) at baseline and the Computerized Diagnostic Interview Schedule, version IV (C-DIS-IV) at the 48-month

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