
Transgender Video Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

2) I think learning more about the history of transgender individuals would be very interesting. It is not a topic that is discussed a ton, and I believe it would be good to get exposed to their history. Learning more about the current transgender movements is an issue we should also become more informed on. The news does not talk about the violence directed towards transgender people, so I think we should get more educated on what they are going through. I never really heard about the violence towards transgender individuals because I come from a small town and it is not really an issue that is brought up on the news often.
4) I thought it was really interesting when they brought up the issue of a lot of transgender characters being played by cisgender actors and actresses. I am sure there are plenty of extremely talented transgender actresses and actors. I feel like the casting people did not try to reach out to the transgender group of actors and actresses. I my opinion, transgender individuals would relate more to the transgender characters. I think it would add a lot of authenticity, so I believe more shows should look for a transgender to play their transgender role of characters. I think we need to start giving these individuals more chances, so we can have more …show more content…

Laverne Cox shares a lot of stories her own and others that work to inspire acceptance of the transgender community. It is super admiring that Laverne is using her celebrity status to spread awareness about the discriminations and violence that is directed to the transgender community. More and more people are becoming more open about being transgender, so I think as a society we need to be more accepting of differences between each other. She does a great job with addressing the violence that is directed at the transgender community, and I believe it is a topic that needs to be covered

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