
Transgender Women In Sports

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The participation of transgender or transsexual individuals in competitive sports is a current controversial issue. One of the main reasons people are so quick to oppose their participation in sport is the universal unfair advantage they may have in relation to hormone production, such as higher testosterone levels. Many people are not educated on what it means to be transgendered; people do not know the science behind it. Specifically, people oppose transgender women competing in women's sports due to the unfair advantage over cisgender women due to testosterone levels, different muscle structure and different fat distribution. Athletes that transition from male to female after puberty will have a greater muscle to fat ratio. Testosterone regulates many different functions in the body, including the maintenance of bone and muscle mass. Ultimately, this controversy addresses that transgender women would out-perform cisgender women due to their more masculine body structure and higher testosterone levels.
A different and less intense scrutiny of transgender athletes has focused on trans men because it is generally assumed that transitioning from a woman to a man would not confer a competitive advantage. Sports organizations have required the athlete to take a test for sex verification to ensure fairness in sports; these tests are designed to confirm athletes are only allowed to compete as their sex, but most of the time, the tests result in the exclusion of intersex

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