
Transient Global Amnesia Research Paper

Decent Essays


Transient global amnesia is a condition in which a person experiences a sudden temporary incident of memory loss that cannot be explained by another neurological condition like a stroke or epilepsy. It hinders the ability to recall recent events, leaving the person unaware of where they are or how they got there. Additionally, they might not remember what is happening in the present moment. They could forget answers that were given to recent questions or be unable to recall events that occurred at a specific time.

This form of amnesia does not affect the ability to recognize familiar people or remember one’s own name. However, it does not make its occurrence any less unnerving. Fortunately, it is a rare condition that does not appear to cause any significant harm and is unlikely to recur. Transient global amnesia does not last very long, and memory returns to normal afterwards. …show more content…

Other factors that might trigger transient global amnesia include strenuous physical activity, medical procedures, acute emotional stress, sudden exposure to hot or cold water, and mild head

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