
Treblinka Extermination Camp

Decent Essays

An extermination camp in Poland built in 1942 in addition to the pre-existing labor camp that killed over 900,000 prisoners. It served as a Nazi killing center for deported citizens from ghettos and other camps that became overpopulated. It was a specifically chosen location due to it's an environment it was able to conceal the murders.
In the spring of 1942 Treblinka a mass execution facility was operational. The camp was carefully selected to obscure from the nearest city. It was located in North-Eastern region of the Generalgouvernement near Malkinia Gora Poland. The area was within a heavy woodland not exposing the countless murders that had taken place. The camp was built by German construction firms out of available resources from the wood. Primarily, the workers building the death camp were Jews brought in trucks from local neighborhoods. A track was later constructed for the arrivals of deportees and the shipping of the Jews belongings. The camp's first commander was Dr. Irmfried Eberl but was relieved of his commission by Christian Wirth after an inspection of Treblinka. A massive break in the extermination process causing chaos so Christian Wirth extended his …show more content…

The demographics changed after the liberation of the survivors by the western allies. Riots still continued postwar over the return of Jews. Many groups and organizations were formed to assist survivors in rebuilding their lives. The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee provided Holocaust survivors with food and clothing. ORT another major support group helped in rehabilitating people through training. Jews were given a haven in Palestine as a Jewish state. Discrimination remained in some parts of Europe that still upheld Nazi’s beliefs not all Jews could leave since legal immigration opportunities were limited. Many Holocaust survivors were able to immigrate overtime all over world to regain the lives they once

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