
Triangle Slave Trade Research Paper

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The triangle slave trade was a horrific event in world history, but is it really worthwhile to force the United States to pay reparations? Forcing the United States to pay for their actions in the slave trade is not worth the money or the time. Paying reparations does not mean that America is apologizing for their participation, and not only is the money not ensured to go where it is needed the most, but reparations would ruin the American economy.
Requiring the United States to give money to a country is not an apology for the tragic reality of the slave trade. Money cannot erase a country’s history and heritage, and frankly reparations might just make the problem worse. The Treaty of Versailles forced Germany to pay reparations for their actions during World War I, and now, that treaty is considered one of the causes of World War II. Forcing Western countries to pay millions of dollars to a another country, in order to cover up their actions during the slave …show more content…

Already in debt, the United States cannot afford to pay millions of dollars of reparations for their participation in the slave trade. Since the slave trade was so long ago, the reparation money would not be helping with the issue. Slavery is what helped to build the United States of America, and ultimately slavery reparations would be what destroys the work that was done by the slaves that made the American economy so strong. Paying reparations for slavery would ruin the economy and is not worthwhile.
Although the triangle slave trade is thought of as one of the worst events in history, western countries like the United States should not be forced to pay reparations for it. Paying millions of dollars in reparations would be a wasted attempt at an apology, it would not go to help the people who need it the most, and reparations would make the strong American economy a complete and utter

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