
Trick Of The Light Analysis

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In Trick of the Light by Lois Metzger, Mike Welles feels his life is spiraling out of control. His father left them for some other woman, and his mother can barely get out of bed. He feels like he is all alone. That is, until he hears this voice in his head, telling him if he would just work out, he can make him better and stronger than before. Then he meets Amber- a girl at his school who seems to know everything about nutrition. She gives him tips on how to avoid food while fooling everyone around him. What he does not know is that she is anorexic. She leads him down this destructive path of inner turmoil; a battle with his own shadow. As he fights his demons- anorexia- we learn how hard it is to survive an eating disorder. In order to understand eating disorders, it is important to know who it affects, the health problems that arise, and how one recovers from it. …show more content…

Bulimia is categorized as “frequent episodes of binge eating, followed by frantic efforts to avoid gaining weight.” (Barston). People will throw up, use laxatives, and/or excessively work out to avoid gaining weight. Many people who diet fall under what is called the binge and purge cycle. It starts off with strict dieting, which leads to tension and cravings. Once they cave in, they binge eat. In their panic, the purge to try to avoid weight gain. Then sets in the shame and disgust they have at themselves. They go back to strict dieting and the cycle repeats. 85 to 90% of bulimics are women, most between the ages of 16 and 40. Men are rarely affected, but an estimated 10 to 15% suffer from it. Although it is women are most susceptible, it affects everyone regardless of race, age, gender, or economic status. “In terms of sexual orientation, gay men appear to be as vulnerable to developing bulimia as heterosexual women, while lesbians are less vulnerable.”

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