
Trip To Haiti

Decent Essays

What do you want for your birthday? This question was the beginning of an everlasting memory. For my birthday gift I asked my parents for a missionary trip. They acceded and I got the blessing of joining my church on a trip to Haiti. Preparation for the trip included months of collection of provisions and donations. In addition, I took part in a puppet show and choreography. To prepare for these participations I had to assist to rehearsals every week. Aside from this, the church prepared various workshops for those of us who were taking part of the trip. The workshops provided us with information about the different situations and communities we would encounter as well as the precautions we would have to take in order to avoid diseases. Two …show more content…

Everyday we walked to different churches. These walks were long and unique. Every time the children saw us they would come running towards us and grab our hands. As soon as we arrived at the church we would set up the puppet theater and tables with provisions. We first welcomed the people through songs and a puppet show and then we had them stand in line to receive donations. The puppet show filled the air with laughter and our tables with provisions filled empty stomachs. Days before it was time to leave my pastor asked to speak to me. She gave the opportunity to preach to the people of the church we were rebuilding. I could not believe it! For the next couple of days I spent the night thinking and writing about everything I wanted to share with the people. Sunday arrived and I stood in front of the church and shared how blessed I felt to be there and meet them. During the week my church evaluated one of the temples we visited in order to determine what materials would be needed to build the new temple. For the next year my church would be working to provide the Haitian congregation with a strong and secure temple. Little after the new temple was built hurricane Matthew came over Haiti. It was of great joy to receive the news that the temple we had built survived the hurricane and served as refuge for the congregation as well as surrounding communities. There is no doubt everything happens for a

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