
Trojan War Myth

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“Heroes get remembered, but legends never die,” because their stories are too unbelievable to be buried amongst the ruins of history. This holds true for the Trojan War, the famous war described in Homer’s epic The Iliad. The epic poem tells the tale of a war between the people of Troy (Trojans) and the early Greeks (Mycenaean’s) after Helen, wife of Menelaus in Sparta, was taken by the Prince Paris of Troy and Sparta enlisted help from the Mycenaean ruler, King Agamemnon (Cincinatti ??). Now, the story does not just involve love and crime, but gods, goddesses, and demigods as well. Before the early 1900s, people believed the city of Troy and its story to be purely fiction until ruins of the great city were discovered. The backstory, archaeological finds, and facts about the area convey the idea that the Trojan War should be considered a legend with aspects of the truth. The Trojan War was a backstory to Achilles and his fight with the gods, providing historians with little credible information. The Greeks were polytheistic and managed to incorporate their history with their religion. Achilles, the main hero of the Iliad, was said to be the son of a mortal man and water nymph and seemed almost invincible (Cincinatti). His part in the story added a supernatural element and he most likely did not exist considering there is “no evidence that Achilles or even Helen existed,” (Lovgren 2). So, two main individuals in the story of Iliad most likely did not exist, adding to the

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