
Trophic Fishing Imbalances

Decent Essays

First, the alarming environmental issue of trophic fishing causes an imbalance in the ecosystem. To begin, while fishing at the trophic levels of the ecosystem, the predators of the ocean are overfished. Predators such as salmon and tuna are fished quite frequently because they are used in dinners around the world. Clearly then, as the predators rapidly decrease, the primary and secondary consumers overpopulate. Science News states, “We’ve eliminated the marine equivalent of lions and wolves and are moving towards the taking of rats, cockroaches, and dandelion equivalents.” ( Clearly then, when predators are eliminated, the prey overpopulate. Without any predators to limit population growth, the prey populations are able to reproduce. Since these populations are not being hunted, their populations need to consume more food, so the producers are consumed entirely and eventually eliminated, as well. In addition to imbalances in the ecosystem, trophic fishing also affects fish populations.
Next, trophic fishing affects fish populations. Because of trophic fishing, there are over 75 aquatic species that are endangered as of 2017. …show more content…

Obviously nets, buoys, and lines are regularly let loose by fishermen. Ghost nets are often found throughout the ocean. Ghost nets are fishing gear, that are found drifting through the ocean. These nets can be extremely harmful towards many species in the open ocean. However; Many animals mistake plastic debris for food and eat it. This fills their stomachs with chemicals they can't digest. On the other hand, if the fish do not eat the debris, most likely they are entangled in it. Whilst they are entangled they can be severely injured or die. Debris gets caught around the necks of marine life, which eventually suffocates the organisms. The alarming environmental issue of trophic fishing triggers marine

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