
Trujillo Personification Quotes

Decent Essays

The society and setting are visible in this quote. The authoritarianism of the government it is visible in the way the Mirabal family and other citizens are oppressed to speak openly about the regime. An example of personification in which Patria expresses the beginning of her internal conflict and foreshadows doubt in her faithfulness and in her decision to not become a nun. A metaphor used by Minerva that compares the political and emotional condition of the country as suffocating as a cage. It hints the start of her disagreements with the government. The quote is an example of an idiom by Minerva that literally she did not shot herself but instead she lost the opportunity to seek for her father’s whereabouts due to helping an old man. Even though, she regretted her decisión she …show more content…

It hints the discomfort of Minerva’s visit with the men. The passage uses a lot of imagery of the society. Minerva’s description reveals the political barbarities clutching the country and its citizens. Metaphorically, Trujillo’s power and influence are flooding the country like water does. Additionally, the injustices are cleared as writing on the walls, however, no one can understand the bad circumstances they are passing through. Characterization of Patria and how her courageous and caring qualities awakened due to the murders she witnessed. This quote hints the birth of the second butterfly and her participation in the movement. Characterization of Mate that she is not a fragile girl anymore, on the contrary, she is becoming more mature and confident of her convictions. It hints that unlike Dedé she will soon join her sisters and become one of the butterflies as well. This quote characterizes Minerva’s courageous spirit, even though of the constant dangers and threats the Mirabal family face from the government, Minerva never lets her principles of liberty be taken away from

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