The election of Donald Trump as our new president of the United States has stirred up many emotions than seem to run deep within the workplace and also scattered across the world. The biggest concern for many of the citizens pertains to the changes that President Donald Trump will make and how it will impact the Human Resource Department. According to the promises that he made on the campaign trail are listed that will be mostly impact by the Trump administration. The first impact that would be impacted by the Trump administration would be the ACA (Affordable Care Act) would change dramatically. President Donald Trump wants to repeal this act that would cause a great concern to many off the business in the United States. HR would be impacted by the disdain for health care having to be made mandatory and a limitations …show more content…
This would mean that every state would primarily be stuck with the options that the state that he or she lives in provides. Some think that this could ease the options of the employees and give them more choices when it comes to heath care.
Another change that would greatly impact the HR department of business would be that the Trump administration may want to reverse the overtime rule. The rule was to be put in place in December of 2016, the Trump administration is trying to block this ruling and would be primarily leaving it up to the state to decide if they would like to leave the new law in place. This could have an impact on many of the managers of a business to receive overtime that they could not get, due to the fact that they are on a set salary. Another area that would impact HR would be that the Trump administration has less focus on the minimum wage raises. Trump has not shown an interest to raise the minimum wage from $7.25
The Affordable Care Act is considered to be a landmark legislation that sought to bring changes to overhaul the health care system within the United States. While the ACA has brought necessary improvements and changes to how health care is handled, it has also directly affected many stakeholders within the health care industry. The major stakeholders of health care are considered to affect each and every aspect of the massive industry, and can be influential. This paper will be specifically addressing the effects of the ACA on the employer stakeholder group. It will talk about the new responsibilities and taxes employers must face, how the ACA is currently affecting employers at the moment and into the future, how the employees and their dependents will be affected by these changes, and finally what strategies employers can take to mitigate
The HR Department wears many hats and is most cases responsible for many areas: budget controlling, conflict resolution, training, employee satisfaction, cost saving measures, strategic planning, and of course the big one…the hiring of the “right “individuals. The hiring process needs to be an organized and well thought out set of procedures from identifying who will be needed to the hiring and training of that individual. There are many steps, some of which have legal ramifications, so the procedures need to be followed and reviewed to ensure that the procedures are not only capturing the best candidates but the procedures comply with all of the laws.
These programs in state level would cater health service on basic levels to rural areas and also the urban areas. However, There must be the same rules and regulations for health care services across the state as well as the country and the access to minority groups to health care services must be fast and continuous in rate. The positives of state flexibility in health care certainly outweigh the negative in that some states have more growth than other states, therefore in these situations, the levels of health care may differ. As population and development grows in a state, the health care industry must grow, thus increasing the need for new technology. "Due to the needs of vulnerable populations and the requirements necessary to make health insurance coverage for them viable, these programs are quite different from standard private health insurance plans (Teitelbaum & Wilensky, 2013)." Private state insurance health care plans have the flexibility of choosing what groups they want to cover and what type coverage they will pay for. Medicaids concern for the needy is ethical and moral, illness or injury doesn't
There is so much economic competition today, American employers should not have the burden of government mandates. If this happens, companies will have to pay more for labor in the United States. The result would cause companies to move operations overseas in search of cheaper labor and no government mandates. This could hurt the economy if businesses decide to go to some other country with cheaper labor and no mandates.
The workplace is a delicate environment filled with different personalities types. These differing needs of feeling safe and comfortable create many challenges in the workplace. The creation of the Human Resource Department has helped create a safety net for all employees to fall under and create a stable environment for employees to feel safe and secure. Regulations such as Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the Department of Labor have in some ways removed the common sense and compassion in the workplace and replaced it with litigation. The effect of these regulations have balanced the workplace and created a more
By doing this, the state can insure that competition between the healthcare providers is fostered and in doing so will lower prices for the consumer as well. It is also worth noting that by providing affordable healthcare, the company might also begin to get a bit of the 80 percent of those already insured in the state. The financial possibilities are endless in the state and is rich with financial growth and success for the company.
Texas, which currently has a large uninsured population and limited Medicaid eligibility, forfeits billions of dollars from the federal government every year by not expanding its Medicaid program as implemented in the Affordable Care Act. In contrast, Medicaid expansion could benefit the state exponentially and give its citizens the fullest potential of what this country offers. A substantial amount of federal funding that could increase uninsured coverage, improve healthcare costs, and provide economic stimulus is left on the table. Additionally, the nation benefits when each state participates, contributing to the success of the healthcare reform.
The question of Universal Healthcare in the United States has valid and non valid arguments with supporters on both sides of the issue. Millions of Americans do not have affordable health care insurance. The main question is who is responsible to provide this? Is it feasible for government to pay for the lack of health care by taxpayer’s dollars? Should you be responsible for yourselves or should you be compensated by the government? Unemployment is at record high making health insurance less attainable or affordable than ever. In most cases, additional restrictions or
In every presidential administration, immigration policies are significant area of debate. There are many policies that are proposed in Trump Administration due to differing opinion of the administration. Currently policies on immigration include on Deferred Action for Childhood (DACA) which is protecting more than 800,000 immigrants in the United States. Moreover it also includes policies on increasing wages for H1-B visas. (H1-B Visa). Additionally, the Raise Act, (Reforming American Immigration for Strong Employment Act, it essentially sends 50000 visas to countries that send few immigrants over to the USA to promote diversity. Trump Administration has proposed to end diversity visas to protect its local citizens and employment. All these proposed changes have both positive and negative impact on GDP (Gross Domestic Product), employment/unemployment rates, government taxes.
Trump administration is becoming more dominant than others major corporation. However, I believe that the U.S citizens do not have a word of their own opinion. In order to have a voice or an opinion, its must require being very wealthy or own a major corporation. No doubt President Donald Trump is building an Autocracy government for an example in the article "Washington issued a temporary restraining order freezing enforcement of Trump’s immigrant and refugee ban"(1) this shows the example of what kind of power the president have. According to the constitution, Donald Trump is violating the rights of Muslims because of their religion, President Trump has a sensation that all Muslims are bad.
A lot of attention has also been given to a group of the uninsured who fell in the Medicaid "coverage gap" because the States in which they live have refused to expand the program under the Obama care, and this group is 2.9million of the rest of the uninsured according to the news report. According to the author, if this group can be covered, it will greatly cut down the number of the remaining uninsured, although this will be far from solving the entire problem of the Universal Health Coverage. It is also reported in the news that even though a large number of the eligible uninsured live in states that have expanded Medicaid under the ACA, some of the state leaders are not keen in covering their uninsured residents thereby making it more difficult for their residents to get full coverage. According to Rice et al (2014), Gaps in the healthcare coverage and problems accessing healthcare insurance coverage by the uninsured adds to the numerous disappointingly weakest results recorded in the USA. Nonetheless, the significance of instruction, age, and well-being status in clarifying wage-related holes in administration use shows that the ACA cannot deliver all
If one specific job entitles healthcare while others do not, this means people are more likely to stay with that job and not move to another position, [3].
As discussed in lecture (Paterniti, 2009) and in Oberlander’s analysis of the U.S. health care system, “any reform that threatens to alter the medical care arrangements of the insured is likely to provoke public opposition” (2003). Most likely, the insured are well off financially and/or politically powerful. These people, who are for the most part content with their current health insurance, would oppose
That combined with the requirement that people have to sign up at a certain time, health insurance becomes very expensive, with the young subsidizing the old. The Federal and State exchanges should offer multiple insurance plans for those who only need to visit the doctor once a year or when a catastrophe happens, for those who want to pay for routine costs out of pocket and insure only against major medical events. Some people are always going to be healthier than the vast majority so they rarely need any medical attention. However, because of the one-size fits all, they have to have all of these unnecessary benefits that they may only need once or twice when accidents and catastrophes occur. People should be able to buy insurance that fits their needs. Some people do not need insurance that covers birth control, mental health coverage, or kids covered until they are 26, they just need the basics. One model is the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, which offers many types of health plans to federal workers. Under the ACA, insurance companies have to take anyone in any open enrollment period, so people can wait until they are sick to sign up. Naturally, it raises premiums. People should get a discount if they sign up when they are young and healthy and keep continuous coverage. If the insurance companies would be allowed to compete over state lines, it would enhance
This plan would result in a dearth of money needed for the government funded program as employers chose high deductible private plans over the federal one. This would result in a lower standard of health care and not allow all the benefits of a single payer system. Most industrialized nations around the world have implemented national health care systems to properly protect their populace. It is past time that the United States do the same.