
Tuck Everlasting Analysis

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Recently, the Grade 6 class finished reading Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt. The story is about a girl named Winnie Foster who runs away and meets the Tuck family. They are immortal due to a spring in a forest that belongs to Winnie’s family. They teach her how life is a cycle and about death. The book ends with Winnie pouring the spring water on the toad that “convinced” her to run away so that it would be safe forever. In the epilogue we also find out that Winnie died and decided not to drink from the spring and be immortal like the Tucks. I think the ending of the book is sad, but I like it and the whole book in general is a very good book. The message in this book is that life is a cycle and I think it is very important because sometimes people want to be immortal, but they don’t think about not completing the cycle and being lonely and kind of being stuck. This message relates to my life because since I am a Christian I believe that when I die I will go to heaven. So it relates because if I know that I will never die, there’s nothing to look forward to. …show more content…

Moving, growing, changing, never the same two minutes together.” I find this quote interesting because I like how it talks about life always being different. This quote is basically saying that life never stands still, never freezes. It means that life is always moving along with its and busy. I see a strong connection between this quote and my life. In this school, things are always changing because when you have friends and people coming in from all over the world, I’ve noticed that people are always leaving and the school is always changing. Things around us are also always changing, for example my mom is starting a business so pretty soon I will be travelling a lot more and seeing my mom a lot

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