
Tudor Economy 1541

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The reign of the first two Tudors spanned across the years 1485 to 1547. Through these years, the economy of England had been changed and faced extreme difficulties numerous times. The statement that the economy remained weak through the reign of the first two Tudors is strongly valid. The statement that the economy of England remained weak throughout the reign of the first two Tudors is to a large extent valid. The economy often fluctuated, especially alongside changes in the population. When the throne was passed to Henry VII, it was in a considerably terrible state – the Black Death of the 1400s had wiped out a good chunk of the population, and those who survived then had to also face the War of The Roses 1455-2485, which also claimed a lot of lives. Consequently, the spread of illness and disease damaged agricultural output, which would’ve kept the English economy at its weakest for both peasant and landowners. However, by the accession of Henry VIII the population had shot back up to around 2.3 million in 1524, and then rapidly increased from there. In 1541 the population had hit 2.7 million. This rapid growth in population, coupled with extreme poverty, insufficient harvests and lowering wages hit the economy harder than ever before, since England …show more content…

As a result, the English economy remained weak throughout the reign of the first two Tudors. This is also argued by the historian W.G Hoskins in “The Age of Plunder: The England of Henry VIII” 1976. Hoskins argues that

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