
Tuesday's With Morrie Essay

Decent Essays

Tuesday’s with Morrie, by Mitch Albom, taught me many valuable lessons. I read it as a part of my summer reading for sophomore year. This book taught me that forgiveness is a good quality to have. It discussed the idea of arbitrating your own rules instead of adhering to those that society fabricates. A third lesson from this book is that while money is valuable, it cannot truly buy happiness. Thanks to Mitch Albom, the concept of forgiving someone instead of holding a grudge has been reiterated. Instead of just smiling and accepting the apology, you must find it in your heart to truly forgive. Forgiveness should go deeper than the surface and actually make contact with your brain instead of being reflected. I’ve learned that it is one thing to say “it’s okay” but a completely other …show more content…

You should create your own rules of living instead of letting society tell you how everything should be. Morrie said to “invest in people” meaning that a rule to live by should be based on relationships rather than materialistic items. It is okay to go against what the majority is saying as long as it is a personal instinct or is moral to you. Although Morrie made it a clear point to mention that not every societal rule should be disregarded because some are necessary to keep the peace. Mitch Albom wrote in the lesson that we are all taught growing up which is money does not buy happiness. You could be one of the richest people but not be content. Happiness comes from having a rich soul not being rich with materials. Too often, humans get caught up with the money and abandon the things that matter like relationships. We are reminded, through this novel, that money is important but it should never take precedence over people. Sometimes we have to sacrifice money in order to have spare time to tend to our relationships rather than be continuous busy

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